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Showing posts from July, 2022

Most Important Person Video Editing |Rtf6

Most Important Person Video Editing | RTF6: There is one of the most important people in everyone’s life. If you also have such a most important person in your life and you want to edit a great video for him, then today’s article’s most important person video editing will prove to be very helpful to you. So as I told you above, we will edit the video for our most important person. In this, there is a Google search video at the beginning of the video and we are going to add a slide show of some of the photos for which you are going to edit these videos. Most Important Person Video Editing So this will be a very beautiful video, which will make your friends very happy to see. So if you want to edit this kind of video, read this article. So now friends, to edit this video, you will need some applications and materials. Talking about the application, you can edit this video from both the Kinemaster and The Alight Motion applications. So you will be able to edit in any ...

Alone, Sad Video Status Editing | Rtf5

Alone, Sad Video Status Editing | Rtf5 : Hello, friends, today we will learn Alone, sad video status editing . So if you also want to edit such a video from your phone, then I am going to tell you how to edit it in this article. It’s straightforward to edit this video. You can easily edit such videos from the Kinemaster application. But still, you have never edited a video before, so you may find it a little difficult. But I will tell you the whole process of editing this video step by step in the article Alone, Sad Video Status Editing so that you will not have any problems with video editing. Alone, Sad Video Status Editing So as I told you, to edit this video, you will need the Kinemaster application as well as you will need some of my materials. By the way, I have given all the materials required for this video at the end of this article. So let’s know which materials you will need to edit this video. Alone, Sad Video Status Editing: The applications and materials req...

Light Flair Status Editing | Rtf4

Light Flair Status Editing | Rtf4: Hello friends, welcome to all of you to this blog of ours. Through today’s article Light Flair Status Editing , we are going to teach you great video editing. This will allow you to edit videos for any of your friends or relatives. If you also like to upload a video story to your social media account, you can still upload such videos by editing them. So let’s first know what requirements you will have to edit this video. First of all, you will need the Kinemaster application to edit this video. You will also need some materials. Light Flair Status Editing You can install the Kinemaster application in the Play Store. At the same time, you will find the necessary applications for this video at the end of this article. So let’s start today’s article Light Flair Status Editing. Even if you do not get much editing to edit this video, you do not need to worry, because you can edit the video very easily from the Kinemaster, and if yo...

Multi Photo Slide Up Birthday Video Editing | Rtf3

Multi Photo Slide Up Birthday Video Editing | Rtf3: Friends, in today’s article, we are going to learn to edit trending birthday status videos. Here I am going to give you a frame inside which you can edit the birthday status by adding a multi-photo, which will slide upwards and will look much more spectacular. Before you edit the video, here you will first tell you which applications as well as which material you will need to edit this video. Now to edit this video, you can use your mobile phone and on the mobile phone, you need to have the Coinmaster application. If you do not have this application, then you can easily install it from the Play Store, then go there and install it first. Multi Photo Slide Up Birthday Video Editing . After installing the application, you will also need some material, so you will get that material at the end of this video, then you can take it from there, then which apps and materials are there, I have given you the information below. So let...

Mobile Frame Video Editing | Rtf2

Mobile Frame Video Editing | Rtf 2: So guys in today’s article, we are going to edit another trending status video. First of all, if you talk about this video, then in this video you will be able to add lyrics. At the same time, you will also be able to add time and weather on the upward side. After that, friends, in this video, you will be able to add your photo inside a frame mobile, if you want, you can also import thereby editing a video in place of the photo. So this was the preview of the video, if you want to edit this video, then how you will edit it, in the whole process, I will tell you to step by step in this article. Mobile Frame Video Editing Now let me tell you what things you will need to edit the video to edit it. So first of all, if you talk here, you will need the Kinemaster application to edit the video. If you do not have this application, then you can easily install it from the Play Store, if you do not have it, then install it before that. After that, you w...

Insta Volume Bar Video Editing - Rtf1

Insta Volume Bar Video Editing – Rtf1: Hello friends, right now volume bar videos on Instagram are very much trending. A lot of people are making this video and their videos are also going viral. So if you also want to edit a video like this, then I will tell you the process of how you will edit it. Insta Volume Bar Video Editing By the way, editing this video is quite challenging but I will tell you a very easy way here. I have given you the Alight Motion Video XML Preset in this Insta Volume Bar Video Editing article. In which you have to add your photo, with the help of which you will be able to make such a video very easily. So as I told you, to edit this video, you will need an XML preset as well as you will need some materials that are mentioned below. Insta Volume Bar Video Editing – Rtf1: Applications and materials required to edit the video: Alight Motion Application XML Preset Particles Video Audio Sound Insta Volume Bar Video Editing : Step By Step: Steps 1 So...