WhatsApp, Telegram, Or Signal Read This Before You Install: Ever since WhatsApp’s new Privacy Policy Update came up, there has been talking about WhatsApp. Everyone is saying here that you use Telegram or Signal App instead of WhatsApp. So, if you are also bothered about it. So in this article today, I will give you a professional briefing about these three Applications so that you can understand which application is right for you. First of all, we talk about WhatsApp, because most people use it. WhatsApp, Telegram Or Signal Read This Before You Install WhatsApp : As you all know that whatever Msg you send on WhatsApp, no one can read it to you or what you have sent. These are because whatever msg you send or talk about is secure from End To End Encryption so that no third can read this msg. WhatsApp Features : All your Chats on WhatsApp are secure from End To End Encryption. You can share files up to 100 MB on WhatsApp. In WhatsApp, you can add up to 256 Members ...